Anything TAG Me.
Sunday 22 May 2011
baba.. bobo ~
hyee22.. hehe.. act tasya post nih sesje je pong.. tasya bru je install grease monkey so na tgk lakn..
:face46: amacm cute.. maseh.. aww :face2: ishh... :face33: ble la mama na balek nih.. tapi takk pe mama ckp na bli kan shawl bru tok tasya.. aww :face18: suka sgt.. maseh :face75: hehe.. gediks la tasya nih.. pape jela.. emoticon06 :face12: hiks.. oke.. cukopp.. tgh lapa nih.. k bye na mkn..



Saturday 21 May 2011
him ❤
hyee.. heh.. ape mimpi tasya post psl bende nih/... takk de ape pon.. tasya cme na ckp gud luck je.. cbab rynie die ade lwn bola.. kat mane tah ta ingt lahh.. so... gud luck lahh to him.. anyway.. tasya da kering otakk na post ape.. soo.. tasya na ckp.. yg psl post tdie tuh.. oke.. tasya minx maaf ats kelancangan mulot tasya.. tasya takk mcm tuh oke.. tasya takk suke buadd mcm tuh dan jd cm tuh.. oke.. lary topik.. oke fine..  'em aq arap ko mnang dlm game bola kao tuhh.. walaopun ko twu yg aq mmg 100% bency bola.. org sekeliling aq sume minat bola.. grrr.. ta pe.. tpy tuk kao aq doakan la ko mnang k.. ishh.. ble la kite bola ade gmba b'due je.. grrr.. aq suro ko dtg klas ko bukn na dtg.. takk pela.. sukaty kao lahh.. oke byee.. na tdo mimpi kan kao.. meyh cnie kiss sket meyh.. hehe.. kat cnie bole la.. btol2 HARAM.. hehe.. no no no.. k.. ingt Allah.. astaghafirrullahallazim.. ^_^"  :]
Miss u  


Bangang la kao
post nih khas untuk buda yg bernme Shazan.. ko mmg takk gne kan.. prangay ko mcm f**k ko twu takk.. aq phm ape yg ko cube buadd.. tpy aq rse sbelom ko tulis post yg sedemikian.. ko pk balek.. ko settle care baek.. kesian la sket dgan org tuh.. ko twu takk ko da sakedd kan aty die.. ko pk la balek weyh.. aq twu ko d'ambang pemecatan.. tpy aq rse tu sala ko.. slame nih aq tgk ko jd pengawas ko buknnye buadd keje sgt pon.. soo.. aq rse mmg ptot la cegu pecat ko.. sorry la kalo aq ckp cm nih... tpy bg pihak aq la.. aq ta na fight.. cme aq kesian kan kwn aq.. die smpay nanges ko twu takk,.. cbab kan ko.. sanggup ko buadd cmtu.. oke fine pasnih.. aq akan jge fifa ketat2.. ko jgn harap la die bole dan nakk tgk muke kao lagy..ko phm ke takk.. aq akn jge die.. soe.. better pasnih kalo ko na ckp ke ape ke ngan die.. jgn harap aq kasikk..

Friday 20 May 2011
kecuh balekk.. ~
oke.. noww.. da ta senyap da... da oke.. kiterg senyap bab die mara tasya.. die g tengking,,.. aish.. ape laa macha nih.. :] nme mnje kao weyh.. :] org ckp bende btol melenting.. takk pe kao.. huhu :'[ aq ajak g KFC ko tana kan.. takk ckop bajett la.. na bli bju bola la.. mcm2 alasan ko kasikk kan.. weyh.. jomla.. aq nakk pegy.. :[ pleesssssss.. pretty please.. :[ ko bru je sebut Aishiteru Natasha kan.. so pleaseee... okayy... ta mao suda.. :'[ lantak la.. lgpon aq ajak fathi ngn budakk.. kalo jdk skandal aq takk tanggung.. ko yg ta na ikodd.. :] hehe.. oke i want to pass awayy.. byee.. *

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Thursday 19 May 2011
sayaa suke menjadii seorg pendiamm..
yess.. i like to be quiet.. pasnih ta yah ckp ngn aq tros pon takk pe la ek,... diam je la smpay maty.. :'[


Tuesday 17 May 2011
editting :]
hye hye.. d'cbabkan ary nih kebosanan yg melmpao.. dan ternmpk c hubby2 tuh upload gmba bru.. so maen la edit2 kenn.. jap na upload..

tadaaa... how?? mmm.. okela kenn.. saya takk pnday edit mcm awak.. tasya edit gne photoshop ngn photoscape.. yg background tasya gune photoshop.. yg illustration tasya gune photoscape.. bole lahh.. tasya da takk twu na editt cmne lg.. 

how about this?? sme je pon.. 


finally this.. how?? if awesome? thanx.. really appreciate that.. 

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Sunday 15 May 2011
fuh ~~
hyep.. hehe.. ary nih ary senin kan.. mksod ye.. cegu da start kibarkan bendera exam.. ohh tidakk~ mama tana dtg skola.. huhu.. exam.. asl ko wujud.. sebenaye tasya nih da sakedd otak hapal perjanjian2 sejarah tuh.. huhu ~ huaaaa.. ta mao pekse.. anyway wish me luck okayy 4 my exam.. i really apreaciate that.. ^_^

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Saturday 14 May 2011
Exam, Exam, Exam.
hyee.. pergh skunx nih tyme exam larh.. aish.. tasya punye exam ade due minggu oke.. kalo akak F3, F4 ngn F5 dorg tige minggu lme kan.. untonggla.. aish.. anyway.. nasebla selase cuty.. ary wesak.. spe smbot?? angkat ketiak. haha.. da start merapu dah.. tasya punye gred da la laen2 dr klas laen.. maklumlahh KRK.. pastu KRK 1 lak tuh.. nme panjg die.. Tingkatan 2 Kelas Rancangan Khas Elit 1.. yeah sya buda Form 2.. 14 guyss.. pnjg kan nme die.. tpy klas nih bukn untk buda pendidikan khas lah.. silap tuh.. klas nih untuk budakk yg dpt 5A ngn 4A UPSR.. 5A je pong.. buknnye sepuluh kan.. aih.. sabo jela.. gred laen2.. keje skola melambak.. bala-2.. na buadd cmne.. risiko jd pljarkn.. aih.. tpy kan.. tasya suke dtg skolah.. hehe.. sbab dpt ush my boyy lahh.. buadd mse nih kedatangan tasya full.. takk tinggal satu pon taw.. pergh ta sangke.. hehe.. mne takk ye.. dtg na lpaskn ryndu.. haha.. takk delahh.. na blajar lah.. dtg skola tuk blajar.. smbel blajar ushalah.. haha.. smbel menyelam smbel minum aer kn.. okie la.. na study.. byep.. =]

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borinx + pening
aih... bosan + pening.. senin na exam.. ohh.. tidakk.. BOYY.. amat la takk seronok.. ta pe.. ade mse.. bole lg..
k.. that's all folks..
i Mish U Boyy... :}

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lov u larh..
hyep.. wahh.. secnd post.. tasya syg zaim... jap2..

yeah.. this is my boyy oke,, jgn curik..

another of him..

oke bye..


syg kao blog..
hyee..  this is my secnd blog aq.. k bye..



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Nur Natasha Izzati.. :] M.Z Girlf
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